By: Jamie Perillo, LPC
Your child successfully transitioned back to school, your plans are in place for keeping your food allergic child safe, and it seems everyone is following through. Yes! Now that your child has had a few weeks to get adjusted it’s time to do your back-to-school check in. Here are eight critical questions to ask your child to help you understand how they are managing the new school year.
1. What is your favorite part of the school day?
2. What has been the most challenging part of school so far?
3. If you had a magic wand, what would you change about your class, school, lunch time?
4. Who makes you feel most comfortable in school?
5. Do you have classmates that are kind about your food allergies? Anyone who seems like they don’t understand?
6. Is there anything you would like to change in your food allergy plan?
7. Are there any areas you would like some help or support with in school?
8. Have you met anyone you would like to add to your “food allergy team?”